Mark Harris

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Location: St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Current employer:
Stratus Aero Partners
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 18/04/2024 11:57 AM
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Mark Harris is from St Paul, Minnesota, United States. Mark is currently Chief Executive Officer at Stratus Aero Partners, located in Eagan, Minnesota, United States. Mark also works as CEO at Worthington Aviation, a job Mark has held since May 2018.

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Mark Harris's current jobs
Company: Stratus Aero Partners
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Sep 2019 - Present (5 years, 4 months)
Location: Eagan, Minnesota, United States

Stratus Aero Partners, a division of AirT, Inc., is a team of five successful independently operated companies with the ability work to together to provide comprehensive customer driven solutions; AirCo LLC, AirCo Services LLC, Jet Yard LLC, Worthington Aviation LLC, and Worthington MRO LLC. Stratus provides commercial and regional aircraft support as well as aircraft asset value extension services including aircraft teardown/storage/maintenance and parts sales and repair/overhaul. Stratus' operations are based in Minneapolis, MN, Marana, AZ, Kingman, AZ and Tulsa, OK, with additional offices in the United Kingdom and Australia to support the global customer base it has been serving for more than 50 years. Stratus Aero Partners' main focus is aircraft and inventory acquisitions to support the team's airline, MRO and third party customers around the world. By controlling the entire process from tear down to parts repair (from three FAA 145 repair stations) to sales and distribution, Stratus is able to deliver maximum value to all its stakeholders. Stratus also manages consignment inventories for both OEM's and aircraft operators, provides repair/warranty administration services and offers both short and long term aircraft storage options at its Marana, AZ, airport location.

Company: Worthington Aviation
Title: CEO
Period: May 2018 - Present (6 years, 8 months)
Location: St Paul, Minnesota, United States
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