Mark Themmen

Owner, Themmen Heftrucks
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Email: ****@****.***
LinkedIn: Mark Themmen
Location: Greater Groningen Area
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Themmen Heftrucks
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Mark Themmen is from Greater Groningen Area. Mark works in the following industries: "Logistics & Supply Chain". Mark is currently Owner at Themmen Heftrucks.

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Mark Themmen's current jobs
Company: Themmen Heftrucks
Title: Owner
Period: May 1996 - Present (28 years, 8 months)

Buy and sell forklifts. Maintenance of forklifts of all brands, especially Linde

Mark Themmen's education
RSG Leeuwarden
1986 - 1988
Het Van Hall Instituut
Bachelor of agriculture
1989 - 1994
Mark Themmen's top skills
Material Handling Equipment Purchasing Logistics Sales Management Sales Negotiation Warehouse Management Transportation Account Management Operations Management Warehousing Logistics Management Material Handling Forklift Operator New Business Development
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