Mark Willett

General Manager, Clow Valve Co. Division of McWane, Inc.
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LinkedIn: Mark Willett
Location: Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States
Current employer: Clow Valve Company
Current title:
General Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:38 AM
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Mark Willett is from Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States. Mark works in the following industries: "Utilities". Mark is currently General Manager at Clow Valve Company. In Mark's previous role as a Assistant General Manager at Clow Valve Company, Mark worked in until Mar 2015. Prior to joining Clow Valve Company, Mark was a Plant Manager at M&H Valve , Division of McWane, Inc and held the position of Plant Manager. Prior to that, Mark was a Machine Shop Manager at Kennedy Valve, Division of McWane, Inc from May 2011 to May 2012. Mark started working as Inventory and Distribution Manager at Tyler/Union, Division of McWane, Inc in Sep 2009. From Jan 2004 to Apr 2007, Mark was Group Env. Compliance Director at McWane, Inc..

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Mark Willett's current jobs
Title: General Manager
Period: Apr 2015 - Present (9 years, 5 months)
Mark Willett's past jobs
Title: Assistant General Manager
Period: Jul 2014 - Mar 2015 (8 months)
Company: M&H Valve , Division of McWane, Inc
Title: Plant Manager
Period: Mar 2012 - Jul 2014 (2 years, 4 months)
Company: Kennedy Valve, Division of McWane, Inc
Title: Machine Shop Manager
Period: May 2011 - May 2012 (1 year)

Managed machine shop responsible for machining, coating, assembly and test of valve and fire hydrants for the waterworks industry

Company: Tyler/Union, Division of McWane, Inc
Title: Inventory and Distribution Manager
Period: Sep 2009 - May 2011 (1 year, 8 months)

Manage inventory and distribution network of fittings and accessories servicing the waterworks industry.

Company: McWane, Inc.
Title: Group Env. Compliance Director
Period: Jan 2004 - Apr 2007 (3 years, 3 months)

Manage overall environmental compliance and information systems for 13 McWane facilities

Mark Willett's education
2007 - 2009
1994 - 1998
Mark Willett's Colleagues
Dean Markle
Plant Manager
Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States
Ryan V.
Plant Manager
Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States
Maggie Goldman
Purchasing Manager
Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States
Chris Pitt
Operations Supervisor
Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States
Jim Nelson
Sr. Systems Administrator
Oskaloosa, Iowa, United States
Mark Willett has 179 colleagues in total at Clow Valve Company. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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