Mark Willis

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Location: Greater Colchester Area
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Think Therapy 1st
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Last updated: 20/06/2024 16:03 PM
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Mark Willis is from Greater Colchester Area. Mark is currently Chairman at Think Therapy 1st, located in United Kingdom.

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Mark Willis's current jobs
Company: Think Therapy 1st
Title: Chairman
Period: Nov 2013 - Present (11 years, 2 months)
Location: United Kingdom

Think Therapy 1st is one of the UK’s top companies providing dedicated and professional occupational therapy services. Since 2013, we have established great links with the legal sector, voluntary sector, statutory services, and other healthcare companies. We are available nationwide. We have established a strong network across the UK and this is continuing to grow. Work has sent us out as far as Northern Ireland and Scotland and we always use local occupational therapists. All of our specialist occupational therapists have extensive knowledge of managing complex rehabilitative and care needs both in public and private settings. Most of our therapists continue to work part-time in statutory services to ensure up to date and clinically relevant skills. This also enables them to have a great working knowledge of local NHS and social services for the benefit of our customers and clients.

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