Marta Kraszewska

Young Fashion Buyer w ETOS S.A.
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LinkedIn: Marta Kraszewska
Location: 波兰 波美拉尼亚省 格但斯克
Current employer: 17 年 4 个月
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Last updated: 02/08/2024 06:37 AM
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Marta Kraszewska is from 波兰 波美拉尼亚省 格但斯克. Marta is currently ETOS S.A. at 17 年 4 个月. In Marta's previous role as a Coordinator at Instytut Informacji Publicznej NGO, Marta worked in Sopot, woj. pomorskie, Polska until Jan 2006.

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Marta Kraszewska's current jobs
Company: 17 年 4 个月
Title: ETOS S.A.
Period: Mar 2021 - Present (3 years, 10 months)
Marta Kraszewska's past jobs
Company: Instytut Informacji Publicznej NGO
Title: Coordinator
Period: Jan 2005 - Jan 2006 (1 year)
Location: Sopot, woj. pomorskie, Polska
Marta Kraszewska's education
Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu im. E. Kwiatkowskiego w Gdyni标志
Postgraduate Training,Marketing & PR
2009 - 2010
Uniwersytet Gdański标志
Master's degree,Polish Language and Literature
2002 - 2007
Marta Kraszewska's top skills
Pricing Strategy Retail
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Senior Account Manager
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Marta Kraszewska, PhD
Senior Vice President, Division Executive
New York, New York, United States
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Radca prawny
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Marta Kraszewska
Koordynator rozwoju i wsparcia procesów biznesowych
Cracow, Małopolskie, Poland
Marta Kraszewska
Legal adviser
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