Martin Misenhimer

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Location: Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Current employer: Pure Air & Water Store
Current title:
Owner / Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:38 AM
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Martin Misenhimer is from Providence, Rhode Island, United States. Martin is currently Owner / Founder at Pure Air & Water Store, located in Cumberland, Rhode Island, United States. Martin also works as Owner / Founder at Mize Online Media, a job Martin has held since Jan 2019.

Martin Misenhimer's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Martin Misenhimer's current jobs
Title: Owner / Founder
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: Cumberland, Rhode Island, United States

In the mid-1990s, scientists at NASA were working on improving methods of growing plants in space. Today we have a whole family of products designed around the technology that was invented and proven by that NASA team. In 2017, our technology was recognized by the Space Foundation as the only surface and air-purification technology to effectively adapt and market technology originally developed for NASA to improve the quality of life for all humanity, when it was inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame at a reception sponsored by SpaceX. The air and surface sanitizing device includes a patented scientific process that dispatches super-charged, sub-microscopic particles at tremendous speed. These particles are created by reactions between ambient water and oxygen molecules, a patented matrix coating, and a specific wavelength of UVC light. The particles collide with viruses, bacteria, and air pollutants and immediately turn them into harmless elements. Rigorous 3rd-party testing showed that our air & surface sanitizing technology inactivated over 99.9% of highly concentrate airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes COVID-19) in an enclosed setting below detectable levels in just 3 minutes. Testing of the technology was conducted by one of the world’s top biosafety testing facilities, the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), which primarily tests for the U.S. military and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). With this technology you get the most highly sanitized surfaces and the cleanest air you've ever had. TO LEARN MORE *call or text me at: 401-200-4023 Or, to virtually meet, you can schedule time on my calendar here:

Title: Owner / Founder
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Providence, Rhode Island, United States

HOW TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE - an interview with Andre Haykal: 19-year-old college student, Andre Haykal Jr, shares how he launched a Top 100 podcast, wrote a best-selling book and started his own business, all while maintaining his university studies. In this interview, Haykal describes the origin of his motivation, his daily mindset and primary drivers that enable him to achieve at a high level across multiple fields of interest. YES IS THE DESTINATION, NO IS HOW YOU GET THERE - an interview with Andrea Waltz: "Go for No!" is the best-selling book and brand that helps people to reprogram the way they think about failure, rejection, and hearing NO to reach their goals and dreams. Andrea Waltz speaks at corporate sales conventions and business conferences on the 'Go for No! ' message.

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