Martin Woznica

CSO - Innovation trifft auf Tradition - Verkaufen ist in meiner DNA und meine Leidenschaft!
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LinkedIn: Martin Woznica
Location: 德国 北莱茵-威斯伐伦 埃尔克拉特
Current title:
Vertriebsleiter - Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
Last updated: 20/03/2024 11:25 AM
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Martin Woznica is from 德国 北莱茵-威斯伐伦 埃尔克拉特. Martin works in the following industries: "Wholesale". Martin is currently Vertriebsleiter - Chief Sales Officer (CSO) at Goebel GmbH Schraub- und Verbindungstechnik, located in 现场办公. Martin also works as Geschäftsführer (CEO) at Goebel Polska Sp. z. o.o, a job Martin has held since May 2015. In Martin's previous role as a Regionaler Vertriebsleiter (Area Sales Manager) at Contentserv, Martin worked in Rohrbach, Bayern, Deutschland until Oct 2008.

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Martin Woznica's current jobs
Title: Vertriebsleiter - Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
Period: May 2017 - Present (7 years, 8 months)
Location: 现场办公
Company: Goebel Polska Sp. z. o.o
Title: Geschäftsführer (CEO)
Period: May 2015 - Present (9 years, 8 months)
Location: Kanie
Martin Woznica's past jobs
Company: Contentserv
Title: Regionaler Vertriebsleiter (Area Sales Manager)
Period: Mar 2007 - Oct 2008 (1 year, 7 months)
Location: Rohrbach, Bayern, Deutschland
Martin Woznica's education
Universität Duisburg-Essen标志
Diplom-Kaufmann / Master of economic science,Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Martin Woznica's top skills
Präsentationen Akquise
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Martin Woznica
Area Sales Manager
Martin Woznica
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