Mary Amos Augsburger

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Email: ****
Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States
Current employer:
Ohio State Bar Association
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director
Last updated: 21/07/2023 07:41 AM
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Mary Amos Augsburger is from Columbus, Ohio, United States. Mary Amos is currently Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director at Ohio State Bar Association, located in Columbus, Ohio, United States.

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Mary Amos Augsburger's current jobs
Company: Ohio State Bar Association
Title: Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director
Period: Jul 2013 - Present (11 years, 6 months)
Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Strategic leader of the professional association that represents more than 25,000 Ohio lawyers, judges, legal professionals and student associate members across the state. Drive innovation to align the organization with best practices, digital strategies and provide value to members through relevant programs and services. Direct OSBA’s mission, goals, policy positions and related operational initiatives. Lead 60-person staff, overseeing all programs and services to members. Orchestrate the Association’s 24-member board, supervise its budget as well as the management of operations. Ensure that members have the resources and benefits needed to succeed. Lean on a passion for policy advocacy to galvanize the organization and advance the legal profession and the citizens we serve. Achievements include: • increasing member recruitment and retention rates • reducing budget by 20% and growing reserves by 30% •innovating operations to digital-first; implementing governance best practices • saving more than $1 million in projected fees for OSBA’s retirement plan • stabilizing OSBA’s healthcare costs

Mary Amos Augsburger's Colleagues
Mike Murdock
Chief Technology Officer
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Ashley Studer
Marketing Director
Columbus, Ohio, United States
William Chris
Ohio State Bar Association Board of Governors
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Ken Heintz
COO, CFO, Treasurer
Columbus, Ohio, United States
David Lefton
Immediate Past President
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Mary Amos Augsburger has 108 colleagues in total at Ohio State Bar Association. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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