Mary Morrow
Mary Morrow is from Cranston, Rhode Island, United States. Mary works in the following industries: "Luxury Goods & Jewelry", "Consumer Goods", "Wholesale", and "Government Administration". Mary is currently Product Control at Arden Jewelry. In Mary's previous role as a QC MANAGER at Crimzon Rose International, Mary worked in until Feb 2013. Prior to joining Crimzon Rose International, Mary was a contract room supervisor, purchasing , expediting, order picking,sourcing at AAI / FGX and held the position of contract room supervisor, purchasing , expediting, order picking,sourcing. Prior to that, Mary was a Mailhandler/clerk at United States Postal Service, based in Providence, Rhode Island Area from Oct 1988 to Jan 1991. Mary started working as Inventory Control at Vargas Mfg in Apr 1972.
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