Maryna Vyshnyvetska

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Location: United States
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Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/03/2024 09:09 AM
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Maryna Vyshnyvetska is from United States. Maryna is currently Chief Executive Officer at Kenaz, located in Baar, Zug, Switzerland.

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Maryna Vyshnyvetska's current jobs
Company: Kenaz
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jul 2007 - Present (17 years, 6 months)
Location: Baar, Zug, Switzerland

Duties & Responsibilities: Oversaw the entire business cycle, from inception to daily operations. Managed client acquisition, negotiations, and long-term relationship building. Built productive relationships with industry partners and competitors to support strategic business objectives. Developed and reviewed key operational initiatives to drive and maintain substantial business growth. Conducted individual department performance reviews to improve processes, procedures, and practices. Analyzed and tracked business metrics to adjust to meet supply and demand needs. Implemented strong hiring and training techniques to promote team cohesiveness. Managed financial, operational, and human resources to optimize business performance. Monitored key business risks and established risk management procedures. Led recruitment and development of strategic alliances. Developed a new strategy to penetrate a wider market. Implemented marketing strategies including SEO and SMM. Achievements: Developed a forward-thinking, inclusive, and performance-oriented business culture. Successfully negotiated contract terms and resolved conflicts. Identified new revenue generation opportunities to maximize bottom-line profitability. Coached and guided senior managers to improve employee job satisfaction and achieve higher performance levels. Modernized business processes, products, and team makeups to generate more business opportunities. Established foundational processes for business operations. Addressed and resolved employee and managerial concerns through corrective actions. Engaged positively with staff and leadership colleagues, encouraging feedback and collaborative spirit. Oversaw business-wide changes to modernize procedures and the organization. Created succession plans and a performance- and merit-based evaluation system.

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Java Software Engineer
Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine
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