Matteo Carelli

Product manager presso SBS Spa
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LinkedIn: Matteo Carelli
Location: Italy Piedmont Domodossola
Current employer: SBS SpA
Current title:
Product Manager
Last updated: 29/12/2023 01:30 AM
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Matteo Carelli is from Italy Piedmont Domodossola. Matteo works in the following industries: "市场营销与广告", "消费类电子产品", and "信息技术和服务". Matteo is currently Product Manager at SBS SpA. Matteo also works as Junior Brand Manager at Esprinet Italia, a job Matteo has held since Jan 2016. Another title Matteo currently holds is Stagista at Netycom Srl.

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Matteo Carelli's current jobs
Company: SBS SpA
Title: Product Manager
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Company: Esprinet Italia
Title: Junior Brand Manager
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Company: Netycom Srl
Title: Stagista
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (11 years)
Company: Monterosa Star
Title: Manovratore di funivia
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)
Company: Dufour snc
Title: Aiutocuoco
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (18 years)
Company: Rabogliatti Sport
Title: Responsabile attrezzature sportive
Period: Jan 2006 - Present (19 years)
Matteo Carelli's education
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Master in Marketing Management, Marketing
2015 - 2016
Università di Pavia
Laurea triennale in Scienze dell'Economia e della Gestione Aziendale, Economia
2011 - 2014
Matteo Carelli's top skills
Comunicazione Valutazione dei fornitori
Matteo Carelli's Colleagues
Marco Visconti
Marketing Director
Boca, Piedmont, Italy
Alexander Karelin
Boca, Piedmont, Italy
Filippo Caresana
E-commerce manager
Boca, Piedmont, Italy
Federico Erbea
Head of Product Management - Responsabile acquisti
Boca, Piedmont, Italy
Simone Melchiori
ICT Manager
Boca, Piedmont, Italy
Matteo Carelli has 173 colleagues in total at SBS SpA. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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