Matteo Franchina

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Email: ****
Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
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CEO & shareholder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:16 AM
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Matteo Franchina is from Milan, Lombardy, Italy. Matteo is currently CEO & shareholder at P2B SRL.

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Matteo Franchina's current jobs
Company: P2B SRL
Title: CEO & shareholder
Period: Sep 2019 - Present (5 years, 4 months)

Place 2 Be enables your business idea's potential and offers services such as: ° business planning ° start-ups mentoring ° business empowerement ° temporary management (operations, sales, finance) As Ceo, I supervise all different aspects of the business, set the company targets, and foster the company partnerships. As a consultant, I lead and run several projects: - Eco Green SRL ( in charge of the commercial strategy, I'm responsible for the relationships with the banks, and I'm the one behind the character "Mr. Ecogreen" ( ), an environmental consultant who aim to provide useful tips and information about how to recycle and manage waste - Imprecs SRL ( : I'm the CEO of the company. It's a service provider company. We fulfill customer needs through business consultancies, outsourcing, HR, and public contracts.

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Matteo Franchina
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