Matthew Ryan

Head Of Growth Marketing at Tumblr
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LinkedIn: Matthew R.
Location: United States
Current employer: Tumblr
Current title:
Chief Marketing Officer
Last updated: 29/09/2023 17:34 PM
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Matthew Ryan is from United States. Matthew works in the following industries: "Internet", "Marketing & Advertising", "E-learning", "Information Technology & Services", "Food & Beverages", and "Consumer Electronics". Matthew is currently Chief Marketing Officer at Tumblr, located in New York, Iowa, United States.

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Matthew Ryan's current jobs
Company: Tumblr
Title: Chief Marketing Officer
Period: Feb 2022 - Present (2 years, 10 months)
Location: New York, Iowa, United States

Reversed a steep decline in Tumblr's performance to deliver substantial daily active user (DAU) and revenue growth. Key achievements include a 25% lift in DAUs in 2022, rebuilding the marketing team structure, and accelerating Gen Z acquisition, leading to over 60% of new users belonging to this cohort. Uncovered global user insights and implemented a new growth model. Directed successful product launches, including live streaming, ad-free subscriptions, and a digital product marketplace TumblrMart.

Matthew Ryan's education
Lancaster University
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
2002 - 2005
Matthew Ryan's top skills
Digital Strategy CRM Marketing Email Marketing Project Management Creative Strategy Interactive Marketing Online Advertising Digital Media Mobile Marketing Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Direct Marketing Interactive Advertising Integrated Marketing Advertising
Matthew Ryan's Colleagues
Cavel Khan
Chief Revenue Officer
New York, Iowa, United States
Eli Tucker
VP of Product Experience / Engineering
New York, Iowa, United States
ari levine
Vice President, Sales and Brand Partnerships
New York, Iowa, United States
Greg Bildson
Senior Principal Engineer at Tumblr
New York, Iowa, United States
Bohdan Kit
Head of Product, Subscriptions & Paid Upgrades
New York, Iowa, United States
Matthew Ryan has 2K+ colleagues in total at Tumblr. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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