Mayur Sirdesai

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Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
Somerset Indus Capital Partners
Current title:
Partner/ Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Mayur Sirdesai is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Mayur is currently Partner/ Founder at Somerset Indus Capital Partners. In Mayur's previous role as a Business Development Manager at German Remedies Ltd., Mayur worked in until Oct 1995. Prior to joining German Remedies Ltd., Mayur was a Manager - Continuous Improvements Group at Colgate Palmolive Ltd. and held the position of Manager - Continuous Improvements Group.

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Mayur Sirdesai's current jobs
Company: Somerset Indus Capital Partners
Title: Partner/ Founder
Period: Oct 2011 - Present (13 years, 3 months)

Somerset Indus Capital Partners/ Somerset Health Capital Advisors operates a growth capital oriented Private Equity (PE) Fund focused on Healthcare in India. It is currently raising its second fund which is a USD 100 million fund after successful deploying the first fund. The sub sectors of Healthcare of interest are Pharma, Lifesciences, Medical Devices, Diagnostic products and services, Nutrition, Wellness and Healthcare Delivery along with areas affiliated to these sectors. The fund actively supports its portfolio companies through enhancement of product portfolios, development and implementation of strategies as well as identification of senior mgmt to scale up operations.

Mayur Sirdesai's past jobs
Company: German Remedies Ltd.
Title: Business Development Manager
Period: Aug 1994 - Oct 1995 (1 year, 2 months)
Company: Colgate Palmolive Ltd.
Title: Manager - Continuous Improvements Group
Period: Jul 1993 - Sep 1994 (1 year, 2 months)
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