Mehek Khera

Founder & CEO - Niramaya Foods (2022)| Ex- Walmart E-commerce| Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach
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LinkedIn: Mehek Khera
Location: New York, New York, United States
Current employer:
Niramaya Foods
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 23/02/2024 11:47 AM
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Mehek Khera is from New York, New York, United States. Mehek is currently Founder & CEO at Niramaya Foods, located in New York, New York, United States.

Mehek Khera can be found on, where members can access Mehek Khera's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Mehek Khera's current jobs
Company: Niramaya Foods
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: New York, New York, United States

Niramaya Foods is an Indian- Inspired company on a mission to make delicious and naturally nutritious homestyle Indian food and flavors more accessible & readily available to the average American consumer. With our first line of dips, we bring jars bursting with homestyle/ street style flavors to the US grocery stores. Each blend is made with nutrient-dense vegetables, digestive herbs + spices heritage-inspired flavors. With zero-cooking required, anyone from kids to adults can enjoy these flavors any time of the day – Simply Dip, Spread or Scoop – they help elevate & complete fridge-foraged meals for anyone, anytime of the day! Mehek Khera, founder of Niramaya Foods is a first-generation Indian-immigrant who found her way back to wellbeing & balance after a decade of corporate hustle by reconnecting with her heritage & culture through plant-forward foods through her grandmother’s recipes. She is now sharing these recipes with everyone through Niramaya Foods.

Mehek Khera's education
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
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