Mehmet Seker

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Email: ****
Location: Stuttgart Region
Current employer:
SEKER | Digital Agency
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Mehmet Seker is from Stuttgart Region. Mehmet is currently Owner at SEKER | Digital Agency, located in Fellbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

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Mehmet Seker's current jobs
Company: SEKER | Digital Agency
Title: Owner
Period: Mar 2005 - Present (19 years, 10 months)
Location: Fellbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Many years of experience in requirements analysis, software development, software testing, service oriented architecture, software and systems modeling, and systems integration. - Experience in project management. - Effective problem solving and troubleshooting skills supported by management capabilities. - Comprehensive skills of analysis, design and development. - ERP systems modeling and implementation experience - IoT, AI, Big Data - Custom Solutions - Infotainment System - ADAS Platform Development - In-Car Apps, Mobile Apps - Web-based Solutions - Cloud Backend Architecture - Embedded Computing - Data Visualization - High Precision Localization - Industrial Solutions - Reverse Engineering

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