Michael Dudley

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Email: ****
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Current employer:
TransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
Current title:
Co-Founder, CEO, Director
Last updated: 29/11/2023 03:44 AM
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Michael Dudley is from Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Michael is currently Co-Founder, CEO, Director at TransCode Therapeutics, Inc., located in Newton, Massachusetts, United States.

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Michael Dudley's current jobs
Company: TransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
Title: Co-Founder, CEO, Director
Period: Oct 2015 - Present (9 years, 3 months)
Location: Newton, Massachusetts, United States

Co-Founder and CEO of Transcode Therapeutics, Inc., an RNA Oncology Company, which is focused on the discovery, development and clinical implementation of a pipeline of innovative diagnostics and therapeutics for the detection and treatment of cancer, with an initial focus on metastasis. ​TransCode’s vision is to be the leader in RNA in Oncology employing data-driven cancer diagnostics as well as optimized targeted treatment solutions for each individual cancer patient that results in a significant improvement in their outcome.

Michael Dudley's Colleagues
Oliver Steinbach
Vice President Clinical and Regulatory / Scientific Advisory Board (2020ff)
Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Zdravka Medarova
Chief Technology Officer
Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Dustan Bonnin MAFF CVA MBA PAg
Vice President Corporate Strategy
Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Sue Duggan,RN MBA
Vice President, Clinical Operations and Project Management
Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Philippe Calais
Director, Transcode Therapeutics
Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Michael Dudley has 13 colleagues in total at TransCode Therapeutics, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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