Michael Filer

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Email: ****
Location: Powhatan, Virginia, United States
Current employer: Atlantic Corrugated Box Co
Current title:
Plant Manager
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:50 PM
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Michael Filer is from Powhatan, Virginia, United States. Michael is currently Plant Manager at Atlantic Corrugated Box Co, located in Richmond, Virginia, United States.

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Michael Filer's current jobs
Title: Plant Manager
Period: Jun 2021 - Present (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Richmond, Virginia, United States

Initially, I was hired on as the Logistics Manager at Atlantic Corrugated, but was shortly given the opportunity and promoted to Plant Manager after a month. As Plant Manager, I lead 25 employees, including 5 temp agency employees, to make corrugated products. My duties consist of scheduling jobs for each of our equipment daily, ensure safe operation of equipment and safety standards are being followed, scheduling daily shipments of our products to customers, preform maintenance on equipment if needed, and if it’s out of my skill set, bring in another company to perform the equipment fixes, coordinate with customer service to schedule more incoming jobs, handling maintenance of our tractors and trailers with vendors when needed, order parts to maintain our equipment, hiring new employees, work with temp agencies to bring in employees when needed, and handle all employee disciplinary actions such as written and verbal warnings, suspensions, and terminations.

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