Michael Frohlich

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Email: ****
Location: Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Current employer:
Limestone Exclusive Real Estate
Current title:
Founding Partner & Managing Director
Last updated: 04/07/2023 20:54 PM
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Michael Frohlich is from Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Michael is currently Founding Partner & Managing Director at Limestone Exclusive Real Estate. Michael also works as CEO & Founder at LucSien Group, a job Michael has held since Jun 2019.

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Michael Frohlich's current jobs
Company: Limestone Exclusive Real Estate
Title: Founding Partner & Managing Director
Period: Dec 2020 - Present (3 years, 9 months)

The Limestone Group is a privately held real estate company with a team of passionate experts in the real estate and finance industry. We think holistically and cover the entire real estate value cycle. In doing so, we review and evaluate project progress throughout. This enables us to consistently guarantee adherence to budget and schedule, and to achieve a consistently high standard of quality and an ambitious end result throughout the entire chronology of the project.

Company: LucSien Group
Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Jun 2019 - Present (5 years, 3 months)
Location: Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Your Mission Critical Initiatives In Safe Hands. LucSien helps financial services organisations and technology companies to identify, utilize and drive technological mega transformations on a global scale.

Michael Frohlich's Colleagues
Cheryl Nash
CEO Financial Supermarkets Division
West Hollywood, California, United States
Ashish A.
CISO Financial Supermarket
Boris Rankov
Head of Digital Advisory and Portfolio Management
West Hollywood, California, United States
Tito Singh
Chief Revenue Officer, Financial Supermarket (formerly Tegra118)
West Hollywood, California, United States
Vicent Sos Muñoz
Co-founder & CIO
West Hollywood, California, United States
Michael Frohlich has 972 colleagues in total at InvestCloud, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Michael Frohlich
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Michael Fröhlich
Head of Realtor Germany and Head of Sales Austria
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Michael Fröhlich
Professor für Versicherungsmathematik
Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany
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Billund, South Denmark, Denmark
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