Michael Healander

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Email: ****
Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States
Current employer:
Airspace Link, Inc.
Current title:
Co-Founder, President & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:50 AM
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Michael Healander is from Detroit, Michigan, United States. Michael is currently Co-Founder, President & CEO at Airspace Link, Inc., located in Detroit, Michigan, United States.

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Michael Healander's current jobs
Company: Airspace Link, Inc.
Title: Co-Founder, President & CEO
Period: Feb 2019 - Present (5 years, 11 months)
Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

As Co-Founder, President & CEO of Airspace Link, Michael Healander is a leader in location technology and has 20 years of experience driving growth in the Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS-Drone), transportation, and geospatial industry. Airspace Link’s award-winning AirHub® Platform has been described by Federal, State, and Local Government partners and Commercial Operators as the “Smart Maps for Drones”. Michael is serving a 3-year term on the Esri partner advisory board, FAA BYOND program, a member of Women and Drones, Drone Responders, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Coalition, Commercial Drone Alliance, Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Committee, ASTM standards groups and is an FAA drone pilot.

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