Michael Kron

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Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Last updated: 05/06/2023 12:56 PM
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Michael Kron is from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Michael is currently Chairman at FirstPayment, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Michael also works as Chairman at AnywhereCommerce, a job Michael has held since Mar 2008.

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Michael Kron's current jobs
Company: FirstPayment
Title: Chairman
Period: Jul 2021 - Present (3 years, 6 months)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Company: AnywhereCommerce
Title: Chairman
Period: Mar 2008 - Present (16 years, 10 months)
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

AnywhereCommerce is a global eCommerce and mCommerce payments technology engineering and solutions provider with patented and proprietary suites of hardware and software services for secure online and mobile card present credit card, PIN debit and EMV transactions. The universal “aCommerce” platform is ideal for eCommerce, mCommerce, P2P, retail line-busting as well as traditional field services such as repairman, delivery or taxi services. Our PCI 2.1 certified PED and bank grade secure end–to-end ecosystem provides greater security, reliability, convenience and return on investment for consumers, merchants, networks, issuers and acquirers.

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Senior Software Engineer
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Sales Director EMEA / Senior Vice President Market Division Northern Europe
Niederönz, Berne, Switzerland
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Innovation & Business Development Director, Europe
Labretonie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
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