Michael Laffey

CFO/ Technical Sales Engineer
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LinkedIn: Michael Laffey
Location: Torrance California United States of America
Current employer:
Heyes Filters Inc.
Current title:
CFO/ Technical Sales Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:03 AM
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Michael Laffey is from Torrance California United States of America. Michael is currently CFO/ Technical Sales Engineer at Heyes Filters Inc.. In Michael's previous role as a Operations Manager at C-Brite Metal Finishing Inc., Michael worked in until Aug 2004.

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Michael Laffey's current jobs
Company: Heyes Filters Inc.
Title: CFO/ Technical Sales Engineer
Period: Jul 2005 - Present (19 years, 5 months)
Michael Laffey's past jobs
Company: C-Brite Metal Finishing Inc.
Title: Operations Manager
Period: Mar 1984 - Aug 2004 (20 years, 5 months)
Michael Laffey's education
High School
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