Miguel Correia

Buyer & Supplier Quality Engineer
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LinkedIn: Miguel Correia
Location: Braga, Braga, Portugal
Current employer: Delphi
Current title:
Buyer & Supplier Quality Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:16 AM
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Miguel Correia is from Braga, Braga, Portugal. Miguel works in the following industries: "Mechanical or Industrial Engineering". Miguel is currently Buyer & Supplier Quality Engineer at Delphi. In Miguel's previous role as a Supplier Quality Engineer at Grundig, Miguel worked in Braga e Região, Portugal until Jan 2010. Prior to joining Grundig, Miguel was a Scientist Assistant at Fraunhofer IFAM and held the position of Scientist Assistant at Bremen e Região, Alemanha.

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Miguel Correia's current jobs
Company: Delphi
Title: Buyer & Supplier Quality Engineer
Period: Oct 1998 - Present (26 years, 2 months)

- Developing suppliers. - Sourcing metal stamping parts for Europe Delphi facilities.

Miguel Correia's past jobs
Company: Grundig
Title: Supplier Quality Engineer
Period: Oct 1998 - Jan 2010 (11 years, 3 months)
Location: Braga e Região, Portugal

- Supplier Quality development, complaints, audits.

Company: Fraunhofer IFAM
Title: Scientist Assistant
Period: Dec 1996 - Aug 1997 (8 months)
Location: Bremen e Região, Alemanha

- Develop a mechanism to measure rubber tensile strength.

Miguel Correia's education
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Engineer's degree
1992 - 1998
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Chief Technology Officer
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Country Manager
Miguel de Sousa Nogueira Correia
Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Miguel Correia
Managing Director
Nazaré, Leiria, Portugal
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