Miguel Valdebenito

Jefe Depto. Informática en MAVESA LTDA.
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LinkedIn: Miguel Valdebenito
Location: 智利
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:15 AM
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Miguel Valdebenito is from 智利. Miguel works in the following industries: "服装和时尚". In Miguel's previous role as a Jefe Depto. Informática at Mavesa, Miguel worked in until Mar 2014. Prior to joining Mavesa, Miguel was a Analista Programador at UTC S.A. and held the position of Analista Programador.

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Miguel Valdebenito's past jobs
Company: Mavesa
Title: Jefe Depto. Informática
Period: Apr 2009 - Mar 2014 (4 years, 11 months)
Company: UTC S.A.
Title: Analista Programador
Period: Sep 1984 - Jul 1997 (12 years, 10 months)
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