Mikael Signarsson

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Email: ****
Location: Stockholm County, Sweden
Current employer: Digital New Agency
Current title:
CEO at DNA Technology
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Mikael Signarsson is from Stockholm County, Sweden. Mikael is currently CEO at DNA Technology at Digital New Agency, located in Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden. Mikael also works as CEO & Co-founder at DNA Labs at Digital New Agency, a job Mikael has held since Aug 2016. In Mikael's previous role as a Founder, CEO at Malex Data Sweden AB, Mikael worked in until May 1999.

You can find Mikael Signarsson's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Mikael Signarsson's current jobs
Title: CEO at DNA Technology
Period: Apr 2018 - Present (6 years, 9 months)
Location: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

At DNA Technology, we work with startups and we digitally transform large organizations that lack startup thinking. We are experts in building teams that build digital products. As an experienced technology partner, our goal is to be a long-term travel companion supporting businesses in the rapidly-evolving and complex world.

Title: CEO & Co-founder at DNA Labs
Period: Aug 2016 - Present (8 years, 5 months)
Location: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

Digital New Agency Lab AB breeds and develops innovative ideas and companies in cooperation with entrepreneurs and business partners.

Mikael Signarsson's past jobs
Company: Malex Data Sweden AB
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Jan 1993 - May 1999 (6 years, 4 months)
Mikael Signarsson's Colleagues
Lars Molnar
CEO, DNA Media
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Carl-Johan Löfvenborg
CEO Digital New Agency Media
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Radosław Kozłowski
Partner, CEO DNA Poland
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Jonas Lidén
Business Director
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Stefan Saviano Di Grado
Head of Insight
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Mikael Signarsson has 63 colleagues in total at Digital New Agency. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Mikael Signarsson
Mikael Signarsson
Kalkyl / inköp
Skellefteå, Västerbotten, Sweden
There are 1 other "Mikael Signarsson". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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