Mike Mc Lernon

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Runnemede, New Jersey, United States
Current employer:
Smart Technology Professionals, LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:06 AM
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Mike Mc Lernon is from Runnemede, New Jersey, United States. Mike is currently Owner/Operator at Smart Technology Professionals, LLC. Mike also works as Founder/Owner at Smart Technology Professionals, LLC, a job Mike has held since Sep 2014.

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Mike Mc Lernon's current jobs
Company: Smart Technology Professionals, LLC
Title: Owner/Operator
Period: Sep 2014 - Present (10 years, 4 months)

I am the beginning, middle, and end to everything Smart Technology Professionals, LLC. I'm the captain of this ship and it'll be smooth sailing transforming my customers'​ experience in the mobile technology world if I'm able to implement all aspects we believe in at Smart Technology Professionals.

Company: Smart Technology Professionals, LLC
Title: Founder/Owner
Period: Sep 2014 - Present (10 years, 4 months)

Smart Techology Professionals, LLC is the Future of Cellular. STP has focused its efforts solely into our "customer's experience" when dealing with Smart Technology and the services that come with it. While offering the consumer a choice of which cellular provider they want to use by offering not one, but several major cellular providers, we have put the "CHOICE" back into our customers hand. Our customers will also have the comfort of knowing that if they choose to back their mobile devices with our STP 100% satisfaction guarantee, they will never be without their exact mobile device they desire due to something as simple as a broken cell phone screen. Our customers, if busy, can leave their device with us and go on about their day while taking an exact "STP Loaner" device until theirs is ready. If our customers are able to hang out and wait, they can enjoy themselves in our lounge area which is loaded with technological activities for the very young to the very old to enjoy. If you happen to stop by the store at 2:30PM, you can join our staff in what we here at STP like to call "MANDATORY RECESS." At STP, we stop what we're doing every day at 2:30 and get out of the store and get ourselves involved in the variety of sports we have ready to play. As you can see by this little introduction about who and what we are at Smart Technology Professionals, we are bringing that "Mom and Pop" comfort of doing business to our customers and reassuring them that they have no worries when it comes to their mobile devices. At STP, you are not just the guy with the broken iPhone screen, you are actually Tom who played hockey with 3 of my technicians the other day while waiting for your iPhone screen to get fixed. STP is bringing back human interaction to the non-interactive communication world 1 happy customer at a time!

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