Mike Schimanski

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: New Buffalo, Michigan, United States
Current employer:
Oink's Dutch Treat
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Mike Schimanski is from New Buffalo, Michigan, United States. Mike is currently Owner at Oink's Dutch Treat.

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Mike Schimanski's current jobs
Company: Oink's Dutch Treat
Title: Owner
Period: May 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)

Oink's Dutch Treat New Buffalo, MI A Family-Owned Ice Cream Shop With a Friendly Feel Known for its tourism during summer, New Buffalo, Michigan's legendary ice cream is one of Harbor Country’s iconic dessert spots, Oink's Dutch Treat. Visiting our ice cream parlor is considered a tradition for most of our customers. We believe that they deserve the best, so we always strive to deliver toothsome frozen treats as well as excellent customer service. Eating your ice cream is only half the experience... the other half is looking at the highly decorated shop, from floor to ceiling. Inside and out, you will find thousands of pig and nostalgic ice cream memorabilia items to occupy your time while eating your tasty treat.

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