Mike Spencer

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Fiji
Current employer:
Paradise Beverages (Fiji) Ltd
Current title:
General Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:27 AM
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Mike Spencer is from Fiji. Mike is currently General Manager at Paradise Beverages (Fiji) Ltd.

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Mike Spencer's current jobs
Company: Paradise Beverages (Fiji) Ltd
Title: General Manager
Period: Apr 2017 - Present (7 years, 9 months)

Paradise Beverages has been around since 1957 and is Pacific region's leading local manufacturer of alcoholic beverages and one of its largest local employers. Listed on the South Pacific Stock Exchange, the organisation employs around 550 staff across Fiji and Samoa across four sites, including the Vailima Brewery in Apia (Samoa), Fiji Brewery in Suva (Fiji) and Rum Co of Fiji Distillery in Lautoka (Fiji). Its range includes: local beer favourites Fiji Bitter, Fiji Gold and Vailima Lager; a range of Ready to Drink (RTD) products including Bounty Rum & Cola, the Tribe range, and Joskes Brew; Fiji’s much-loved Bounty Rum and the multi-award winning Ratu and Bati rum ranges. As General Manager, I work with the Board of Directors and guide the Executive Leadership team to ensure the successful growth of this great company, whilst doing the right thing by our people, our iconic brands and the country. Since 2012, we have achieved sustained growth, increasing returns by 300%, implementing a major capital investment program to upgrade and modernise our facilities, and focusing on quality, innovation and customer experience to create and launch a number of quality new beverages including beers, alcoholic ready-to-drink products, and spirits, especially a large portfolio of premium rums and rum liqueurs. By creating and bringing to life our new Paradise Beverages mission, we have provided personal and professional development programs for our employees, offered tailored health and wellbeing programs for them and their families and created a safe, enjoyable and rewarding work environment.

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