Mind Eg

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Egypt
Current title:
Training and Consulting Services
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:26 AM
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Mind Eg is from Egypt. Mind is currently Training and Consulting Services at Mind for Management Innovation & Development, located in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.

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Mind Eg's current jobs
Title: Training and Consulting Services
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)
Location: Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

Consulting Services: - Social Compliance - Workplace Well-being - Management Strategy - Corporate Governance _________________________________________________________________________ Training Services: - Team Building _________________________________________________________________________ Training Programs: - Operational Human Resources - Supervisory and Leadership skills - Effective workplace cooperation - Effective communication skills - Labor standards in new global supply chain - Effective strategic negotiation skills - Duties and Rights at work - Occupational health and safety in the workplace - Strategic planning and critical thinking - Effective management and Influencing people - High impact presentation - Effective writing skills - Stress management skills - Social intelligence skills - Effictive puplic relashions management - Performance appraisal management _________________________________________________________________________ Community Programmes: - Youth Labor Market Program - Social Corporate Responsibility - Conferences

Mind Eg's Colleagues
Yassmine M. Abd-Elfattah
Account Manager
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Enas Hussein
Training Manager
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Mind Eg has 2 colleagues in total at Mind for Management Innovation & Development. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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