Mitchell Rohde

Accomplished Innovator and Visionary Entrepreneur
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LinkedIn: Mitchell Rohde
Location: Saline, Michigan, United States
Current employer:
Quantum Signal AI, LLC
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 03/01/2024 02:51 AM
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Mitchell Rohde is from Saline, Michigan, United States. Mitchell is currently Chief Executive Officer at Quantum Signal AI, LLC, located in Saline, Michigan, United States.

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Mitchell Rohde's current jobs
Company: Quantum Signal AI, LLC
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Saline, Michigan, United States

Founded and led advanced engineering R&D services company through 25 years of technical and business success. Grew company from garage startup into solution development and delivery powerhouse with 50 employees executing 10-25 concurrent customer-focused engineering programs. Led company through acquisition by Ford in 2019, and continued leading as a wholly-owned subsidiary. • Built highly flexible, project-focused engineering services capability conducting interdisciplinary efforts. Evolved practices in three major tech threads: mobile robotics, interactive modeling and simulation, and surveillance/forensics/biometrics. • Established/maintained strong customer base through sales, business development, and marketing initiatives. Customers included the United States Army, Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Department of State, Caterpillar, Sony, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, Whirlpool, Amway, GM, Ford, QinetiQ, HNTB, and others. • Deeply experienced writer/communicator with proven record of authoring, editing, and presenting proposals, reports, internal and external messaging, and contracts. In demand speaker comfortable presenting to audiences of all sizes. Proposal writing to commercial and government customers with win rate exceeding 75%. • Extensive knowledge of federal business/contracting, including researching and building client base, managing proposal process and winning, negotiating contract vehicles, operational aspects of managing contracts, government accounting and audit, reporting requirements, GSA schedules, security clearances, and IP protection. • Transformed Union School into highly desirable, flexible company headquarters that reflects company culture and continually evolves to meet organization and staff needs. Facility provides “creative space” for innovation, supporting desktop dev (algorithms, software, design) as well as fabrication, integration, & testing of integrated systems.

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