Mo White

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Location: London, England, United Kingdom
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Last updated: 13/10/2023 10:40 AM
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Mo White is from London, England, United Kingdom. Mo works in the following industries: "Online Media". Mo is currently CEO at, located in London, England, United Kingdom.

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Mo White's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: London, England, United Kingdom

-Growth and digital transformation focussed GM/ CMO/ CDO/ CCO/ CBO/ NED working strategically with leadership at Provenance, Shift Lab AI (Kintetik/ Arrival), Glossier, Alighieri, Nanushka, Finisterre, Victoria Beckham, Carbon Theory, Face Theory, Champo, Afterpay, Kry, Naturalisimo, Olivela, Chaos, Shop Style, Mother of Pearl, Farfetch, Marks & Spencer etc. -Lead multi-disciplinary teams in London, New York, San Francisco, Berlin to achieve growth at pivotal stages of scaling - including coaching leadership on mission, purpose, customer and conversion across earned, owned and paid marketing channels as well as international growth, range diversification and smart segmentation plus creating AI brand and content tools with Stable Diffusion and GPT 3. -Vertical expertise: transformation and organisational change; 360 digital-first integrated marketing; editorial, creative/image communications; UI, UX and product innovation; AI optimisation; CRM and customer personas – especially Gen X, Y & Z women; merchandising & range planning; optimising cross-functional workflow; talent acquisition; PR, media, runway show; licensing and partnerships; community, influencer and social; omni-channel footprint; retail; sustainability; social change activations. -Non-Executive Director for €300M Berlin-based books and fashion re-commerce business - Momox and Helsinki-based natural skincare brand Lumene.

Mo White's education
University College London, U. of London
MA in French Literary Theory
University of the Arts London
MA in Fashion Journalism at Central Saint Martin's School of Art
Queen Mary University of London
Bachelor of Arts French Language and Literature
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