Mobi Sharks

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Location: Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Business Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:06 AM
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Mobi Sharks is from Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India. Mobi is currently Business Owner at Mobisharks.

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Mobi Sharks's current jobs
Company: Mobisharks
Title: Business Owner
Period: May 2013 - Present (11 years, 8 months)

INTRODUCTION MOBISHARKS has been established in may 2014. We are reputed Importer, Exporter, Retailers, Wholesalers, Trader and Dropshipper. We deal with Consumer electronics (Brand Cellphones/ Tablets & Netbooks/Gaming Consoles/Digital Gears/T.V / Display Screen Panels/ Projectors/ Digital Cameras-Lens). We are your Trusted, Reliable and paypal verified supplier. Stop becoming victim of online scams and fraud. Be rest assured you are in safe hands. We cater to the Indian & International consumer‘s choice of the widest and most comprehensive range of mobile phones across the globe. All major mobile phones handset & tablet pc's brands like Apple, Asus, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG, Samsung, Motorola, HTC,Blackberry, etc. are available with us. Company registration number: 049470 Date of registration: 01/05/2014 Registered Office: 7 / 136, plot no. 11, High Rise Apartment, Ground floor, Swarup Nagar, Kanpur ( U.P ) - 208002. Country: India Email: mobi.sharks at mobi.sharks at Skype: Tech4rnd1 BBM PIN: 7E4B01F0 REASON BEHIND CO. FORMATION Thousands of people each year fall victim to fraudulent acts .I have been victim of lots of big scams and lost huge amount & I want my experience to safeguard buyers against scam and provide risk free experience. WHY CHOOSE US AS YOUR VENDOR: -Low Minimum Order Quantity -Fast Leadtime Fast Shipment Nationally & Internationally by DHL/Fedex/UPS/TNT/DTDC, 3-5 days,door to door service after payment confirmation. -Systematic and Professional -High Quality & Lowest Market price - Price Challenge -Strong Sense of Responsibility -Full after sales services -Drop Shipping Service -Convient Payment Term -- Bank transfer, T/T ( wire transfer), PayPal, Cash Deposit -Quality Assurance -- 1 years worldwide warranty , 30 days full replacement.

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