Mohamed Hamzaoui

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Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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Direct Trade
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Mohamed Hamzaoui is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Mohamed is currently Owner at Direct Trade.

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Mohamed Hamzaoui's current jobs
Company: Direct Trade
Title: Owner
Period: Jun 2012 - Present (12 years, 7 months)

We are an importer of major brands of mobile phones,laptop,tablets from all over the globe . I’m always looking to build new relationship with new suppliers & buyers. We have customers in EMEA and are able to help suppliers sell there stock fast. Interested in buying all major brands like : Nokia, Samsung, Apple HP and Cisco. For many years, I have been working in the sales fields of international businesses. Throughout the years, my knowledge in trading, logistics and business relationships grew steadily. I’m creative and enterprising, proactive and effective, independent and team player, full of inspiration and ideas. Able to build relationships with distributors, retailers and entrepreneurs in ICT and Electronics market. Always looking to get what the customer requires.

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