Mohamed Mahfouz Mohamed

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Email: ****
Location: Egypt
Current employer: Shamsia Space
Current title:
CEO / Founder
Last updated: 07/09/2023 13:10 PM
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Mohamed Mahfouz Mohamed is from Egypt. Mohamed Mahfouz is currently CEO / Founder at Shamsia Space, located in Nagaa El Suze, Qina, Egypt.

You can find Mohamed Mahfouz Mohamed's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Mohamed Mahfouz Mohamed's current jobs
Company: Shamsia Space
Title: CEO / Founder
Period: Apr 2015 - Present (9 years, 9 months)
Location: Nagaa El Suze, Qina, Egypt

I had founded shamsia space, which is the first entrepreneurship center in the canal regions. Its vision is Provide the best ECO-System, Training, and workshops in Suez to inspire youth to transfer their ideas into reality and getting better social impact by the end of 2020. I worked on,

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