Moiz Ahmed
Moiz Ahmed is from Kleve Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany. Moiz is currently Purchasing and Planning at Clear Edge Filtration. In Moiz's previous role as a Büro assistent-Qualität/ Technische- Hilfe at Brauer GmbH, Moiz worked in until Dec 2020. Prior to joining Brauer GmbH, Moiz was a Trainee in CEO – support Administration and Finance at Telenor Pakistan (RHQ) Blue Area, Islamabad and held the position of Trainee in CEO – support Administration and Finance. Prior to that, Moiz was a Procurement Officer at AFCOSUN Indenters and Traders from Jan 2010 to Sep 2014. Moiz started working as Internship at Habib Bank Ltd, (Islamic Banking Branch) Islamabad – Pakistan in Jun 2013. From Jun 2012 to Sep 2012, Moiz was Intern at Zahid Latif Khan Pvt. Ltd brokerage house Islamabad Stock Exchange.
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