Mollie Kallen

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Email: ****
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Current employer:
MKCM, Inc. (Mollie Kallen Case Management, Inc.)
Current title:
CEO/President, National & International Case Mgmt, Claims Solutions, Insurance, Speaker
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:20 AM
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Mollie Kallen is from West Palm Beach, Florida, United States. Mollie is currently CEO/President, National & International Case Mgmt, Claims Solutions, Insurance, Speaker at MKCM, Inc. (Mollie Kallen Case Management, Inc.), located in Boca Raton, Florida, United States.

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Mollie Kallen's current jobs
Company: MKCM, Inc. (Mollie Kallen Case Management, Inc.)
Title: CEO/President, National & International Case Mgmt, Claims Solutions, Insurance, Speaker
Period: Nov 2007 - Present (17 years, 2 months)
Location: Boca Raton, Florida, United States

I am a multi-lingual medical and vocational case manager of over 30 years (23 years in South Florida). I've worked as a Senior Case Manager at Intracorp, Corvel and Genex before starting MKCM, Inc ( Mollie Kallen Case Management, Inc.) in 2007. I have many years of experience in the field of medical, psychological, disability, catastrophic illness and vocational case management. I have assisted over 700 individuals in hundreds of private, city, state and federal governments and companies. I've been a dedicated case manager to many accounts for over 30 years and also works with many overseas patients; she performs on site job analyses, testing and file reviews/legal reviews. I have an extensive expertise with many medical conditions ranging from simple orthopedic injuries, to MRSA/insect bites, cardiac/respiratory issues, AIDS, TBI, amputations and pediatric conditions. I'm a board member of the FLORIDA STAY AT WORK CONSORTIUM and is also published in many case management publications and trains physicians and other medical staff in workers compensation issues. I have also been a speaker at many workers compensation forums. FOCUS: Case Management, Workers Compensation, Insurance, Healthcare Management, Insurance Claims, Nursing, National Case Management, International Case Management, Claims Solutions, Cost Containment, Proactive Claims Solutions, Medical Bill Review, Vocational Case Management, Workers Compensation, Quality Assurance

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