Monica Alexandra Chavez Llancay

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Location: Peru
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Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Monica Alexandra Chavez Llancay is from Peru. Monica Alexandra Chavez is currently Chief Executive Officer at Ticsart, located in Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru.

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Monica Alexandra Chavez Llancay's current jobs
Company: Ticsart
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: May 2018 - Present (6 years, 8 months)
Location: Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru

Ticsart is a startup that connects artisans with ecommerce to drive digital transformation and reach to sell around the world. •Execution of the financing at Innovation Acceleration program of CONCYTEC and the World Bank. • Execution of the seed financing at Innovators Entrepreneurs of PROInnovate and Ministerio de la Producción. •Development of the digital artisan program with 200 craftpeople.

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