Monika Kamath

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Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Current employer: Elevate Performance Lab
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:05 AM
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Monika Kamath is from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Monika is currently Co-Founder at Elevate Performance Lab, located in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Monika also works as Founder & Principal at The Pivot , a job Monika has held since Oct 2013.

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Monika Kamath's current jobs
Title: Co-Founder
Period: Dec 2021 - Present (3 years, 1 month)
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

WHY ELEVATE? Elevate is a Sports Performance Company founded by Champion Athletes with a common passion for Medicine, Health & Sports Performance. With 2 decades of experience each in the fields of Competitive Sports, Sports Medicine and Sports Coaching we have positively influenced and mentored over 30,000 people. We have worked with the best athletes at the recreational, amateur and professional levels and continue to elevate their performance in the chosen professions/sports. Our Practice entails 3 tenets: ATTITUDE Methods to positively align your approach towards your Life and Pursuits by implementing best practices from the fields of Developmental & Sports Psychology. PHYSICAL PROGRESS Enhancing your Physical Attributes through cutting edge Strength Training & Sports Conditioning Programmes. SUSTENANCE Returning to Homeostasis through Sports Nutrition, Injury Rehabilitation and Recovery protocols prevalent in Professional Sports Medicine. How can you Elevate your Performance? > Do a comprehensive assessment. > Discuss which Performance parameters you are deficient in. > Get a Performance Prescription. > And Elevate! Who is Team ELEVATE? 👇 > Dr.Srinand Srinivas - IOC Certified Doctor in Sports Medicine. IPL Punjab Kings Sports Med Team Doctor. International Swimmer. Endurance Sport Junkie. > Monika Kamath National Level Swimmer, Triathlete & Water-polo Player Mentor & Coach Number-cruncher & Social Entrepreneur "High Energy - Lets get this done" person The duo and their army of Sports Physiotherapists, Sports Masseurs and Sports Nutritionists , Yoga Instructors are aligned to achieve one objective. Elevate. Your. Performance.

Company: The Pivot
Title: Founder & Principal
Period: Oct 2013 - Present (11 years, 3 months)

Integrated Strategic Advisory services in Banking,Finance,Fund raising, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship , Strategy-Publicity & Fund Raising for NGO’s , Art Administration, Education & Sport sectors. *Cyclops Medtech - Early Stage Medtech Startup - Financial Advisory *Pravyosh Neuro Innovators Private Limited - Early Stage MedTech Startup - Financial, Strategic & Management advisory. *NewRo Rehab - MSME set up in Healthcare & Rehabilitation - Strategic Advisory - Gratis *Read A Book Challenge - -- Bootstrap stage Ebiz Startup - Mentoring , Strategic & Financial Advisory *HCG Foundation , International Human Development & Upliftment Academy ; Bharath Charitable Cancer Hospital and Institute ; Swasti Gallery - ; ; www. ; - Strategic & Financial Advisory - Gratis *INTACH Bangalore - -Startegic , CSR Funding & Not for Profit - Gratis One Rupee Revolution - Co-Founder - Holding company for - One Rupee Project - - Bootstrap stage Not For profit startup. - One Rupee Project - - Bootstrap stage Micro-finance startup.

Monika Kamath's Colleagues
Soniya Tm
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Monika Kamath has 1 colleagues in total at Elevate Performance Lab. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Monika Kamath
Monika Bharadwaj Kamath
Sr. Manager PMO Operations
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
There are 1 other "Monika Kamath". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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