Monte Weis

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Location: Greater Toronto Area, Canada
Current employer: Weis Group
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Last updated: 05/06/2023 15:33 PM
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Monte Weis is from Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Monte is currently Chairperson at Weis Group, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Monte Weis's current jobs
Company: Weis Group
Title: Chairperson
Period: May 1996 - Present (28 years, 8 months)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Weis Group of Companies is laser focused on transforming Automotive Retail Experiences. Through organic growth and acquisitions, the Weis Group touches many verticals that impact the customer experience at dealerships. These include design, project management, architecture, digital integration, branding & process audits, and software as a service. Our team of 50+ automotive facility experts and consultants create a buzz in the dealership environments we plan, design, execute and monitor. Our clients include 14 Canadian and US OEM's, and dozens of individual Dealerships and Dealer Groups across North America. The Weis Group includes Weis & Associates Inc., Weis Omniplan Inc., Weis LGA Inc. (Architects) and Weis Software Inc.

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