Moran Glik

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Location: Israel
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Product Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:34 AM
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Moran Glik is from Israel. Moran is currently Product Manager at Tipalti, located in San Mateo, California, United States.

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Moran Glik's current jobs
Company: Tipalti
Title: Product Manager
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (4 years, 10 months)
Location: San Mateo, California, United States

Tipalti is the only global payables automation solution to streamline all phases of the AP and payment management workflow in one holistic cloud platform. Tipalti to eliminate up to 80% of their supplier payment workload, helping them scale their business efficiently with global growth, while strengthening financial and compliance controls and while enhancing the partner payment experience. ♦ Manage and track the execution of product roadmaps, development schedules, and product/component designs. ♦ Collect and manage requirements from various internal and external sources. ♦ Conduct user testing and gather feedback from customers and inject it into the design cycle. ♦ Defining and writing product specifications and designs. ♦ Work closely with the design, development and QA teams. ♦ Present product to prospects and customers and manage ongoing relationships with partners and suppliers.

Moran Glik's Colleagues
Spencer Robins
Sr. Sales Development Manager
San Mateo, California, United States
Jong-ki Yoon
Sales Development Representative
San Mateo, California, United States
Ido Preuss
Director Of Engineering
San Mateo, California, United States
Deepak Goyal
Director of Alliances & Business Development
San Mateo, California, United States
Stephanie Bol
Account Executive
San Mateo, California, United States
Moran Glik has 1K+ colleagues in total at Tipalti. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Moran Glik
Moran Glik Ronen
Office manager & PA
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Moran Glik
There are 2 other "Moran Glik". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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