Morten Simonsen

CEO at ProTelevision Technologies
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LinkedIn: Morten Simonsen
Location: Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
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ProTelevision Technologies
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Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:51 PM
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Morten Simonsen is from Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark. Morten works in the following industries: "Telecommunications", "Broadcast Media", and "Hospital & Health Care". Morten is currently CEO at ProTelevision Technologies. In Morten's previous role as a Researcher at Philips, Morten worked in Eindhoven Area, Netherlands until Jan 1999.

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Morten Simonsen's current jobs
Company: ProTelevision Technologies
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 1999 - Present (26 years)

People say that I am the heart, soul and DNA of ProTelevison Technologies. For 17 years, I have worked as mentor, leader, strategist and as a high-profiled engineer who is well known and respected Internationally.

Morten Simonsen's past jobs
Company: Philips
Title: Researcher
Period: Jan 1992 - Jan 1999 (7 years)
Location: Eindhoven Area, Netherlands

Researher in the field of source coding. Development of Audio compression algorithms (at that time MusiCam) - these later evolved into what we today know as mp3

Morten Simonsen's education
Copenhagen Business School
Executive Master
2007 - 2009
DTU - Technical University of Denmark
University level
1986 - 1991
Morten Simonsen's top skills
Nonlinear Mathematics Data Analysis Digital Signal Processing General Management C programming Business Strategy
Morten Simonsen's Colleagues
Gert Nielsen
Hardware Manager
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Bruno Alves
Software Engineer
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Eskild Nielsen
Test Engineer
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Maurizio Nifruli
Responsabile ufficio acquisti
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Kasper Andersen
SW Engineer
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Morten Simonsen has 10 colleagues in total at ProTelevision Technologies. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Morten Simonsen
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Head of DGIT India
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Morten Simonsen
Managing Director
Nykøbing Mors, Middle Jutland, Denmark
Morten Sebastian Simonsen
Sales Director
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Morten Toft Simonsen
Esbjerg, South Denmark, Denmark
Morten Staugaard Simonsen
Local Launch Leader IKEA Business Network DK
Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
There are 88 other "Morten Simonsen". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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