Murillo Rodrigues

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Location: Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
Current employer: Loft
Current title:
Analytics Engineering Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Murillo Rodrigues is from Franca, São Paulo, Brazil. Murillo is currently Analytics Engineering Manager at Loft, located in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

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Murillo Rodrigues's current jobs
Company: Loft
Title: Analytics Engineering Manager
Period: Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Loft's brought to me here to help and construct the Analytics Engineering new team, what allowed me to apply all my data experience and modeling things to empower people and construct amazing data solution for solving business issues and enabling a bit of Data Driven mindset for our group of companies. My main goal is extracting the best of people to construct all this stuffs together. Here are some frameworks/competencies that helps to solving this problems * DBT * Databricks. * Sql, Python + Spark. * CI/CD concepts applied in Github. * AWS Solutions. * Monitoring & Documentation. * Modeling data Domains * And a lot of organization and good practices for handling these vast types of data.

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