Mustafa Alzanadi

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Email: ****
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Current employer:
Pathfinder Systems Incorporated
Current title:
Product Engineering Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:06 AM
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Mustafa Alzanadi is from Kansas City, Missouri, United States. Mustafa is currently Product Engineering Manager at Pathfinder Systems Incorporated, located in Kansas City, Missouri, United States.

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Mustafa Alzanadi's current jobs
Company: Pathfinder Systems Incorporated
Title: Product Engineering Manager
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 7 months)
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

- Managing and providing engineering support on a variety of projects such as noise enclosures, blower packages, silencers and filters). - Overseeing manufacturing dept and managing a group of 20+ team members to ensure precise execution of key performance indicators including scope, cost, quality and timelines. - Managing 40+ projects per month and providing engineering support from the initiation stage till closure. - Supporting requests for proposals and capturing several strategic new business contracts resulting in significant company growth. - Leading new product development, research and development, testing, custom orders, BOM, problem solving. - Collaborated with other departments (marketing, sales, purchasing) to generate new ideas for a competitive advantage. - Working with vendors and suppliers to ensure products met the customer's needs. - Working directly with the customer to ensure quality, timelines and satisfaction.

Mustafa Alzanadi's Colleagues
Frank Reinsch
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Johnnie Beach
Operations Manager
Devin Wells
IT Manager
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Tammy P.
Business Accountant
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Don Alshouse
Regional Sales Manager/Engineering
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Mustafa Alzanadi has 16 colleagues in total at Pathfinder Systems Incorporated. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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