Mustafa Mustafa

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Location: United Kingdom
Current employer: SAP
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Solution Specialist - Customer Data Management - UK&I
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:50 PM
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Mustafa Mustafa is from United Kingdom. Mustafa is currently Solution Specialist - Customer Data Management - UK&I at SAP, located in Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

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Mustafa Mustafa's current jobs
Company: SAP
Title: Solution Specialist - Customer Data Management - UK&I
Period: Apr 2021 - Present (3 years, 10 months)
Location: Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

SAP Customer Data Platform allows you to activate hyper-personalised experiences with connected, real-time, and cross-channel insights. Give your customers the freedom to engage with your brand on their terms and deliver on your promises, which will increase acquisition, retention, and loyalty. Customers' high expectations have brought on a new wave of innovation. SAP is now bringing nearly 50 years of expertise in back-office data management and business processes to customer data management. We have cultivated a platform with elevated abilities to help businesses ingest and process massive amounts of customer data across their enterprise to fuel accurate and in-the-moment engagement across every single interaction with the customer, online and offline.

Mustafa Mustafa's Colleagues
Kaan Turnali
Global Senior Director, Enterprise Analytics
Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Kasi Ravindran
Chief Operating Officer - SAP Digital Commerce (e-commerce)
Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Andreas Breitrueck
Head of Global BPI Transformation Office @ SAP
Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Nuno Saramago
Chief Operating Officer, SAP Francophone Africa & Portugal
Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Naren Baliga
Head - Strategic & Premium Experiences, Innovation Engineering
Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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