Mustapha Bel Mokadem
Mustapha Bel Mokadem is from Morocco. Mustapha Bel works in the following industries: "Marketing and Advertising". Mustapha Bel is currently Directeur général at ECOMARK. Mustapha Bel also works as Co-Founder of Ecomark SARL at ECOMARK SARL, a job Mustapha Bel has held since Dec 2020. In Mustapha Bel's previous role as a Stage de fin d’études at SODISMA, Mustapha Bel worked in AGADIR until May 2018. Prior to joining SODISMA, Mustapha Bel was a Stage de fin d’études at Agence Nationale du Port d'Agadir and held the position of Stage de fin d’études at Agadir. Prior to that, Mustapha Bel was a Stage d'initiation at P.prim sarl, based in Agadir from Jun 2016 to Jun 2016.
You can find Mustapha Bel Mokadem's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.
Mustapha Bel Mokadem's current jobs
At Ecomark, we specialize in Digital marketing, advertising in all social media platforms, and web and mobile application development, in addition to website creation and content creation.
Mustapha Bel Mokadem's past jobs
Au cours de cette période de stage, j'ai travaillé sur un projet intitulé «Mise en place d’une application de GMAO ».
Au cours de cette période de stage, j'ai travaillé sur un sujet intitulé « Etude d'optimisation de l’éclairage public au port d'Agadir ».
Stage d’observation de multiples postes