Nagarjuna Yanala

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Email: ****a@nordstrom.com
Location: Greater Seattle Area
Current employer: Nordstrom
Current title:
Engineering Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:43 AM
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Nagarjuna Yanala is from Greater Seattle Area. Nagarjuna is currently Engineering Manager at Nordstrom, located in Seattle, Washington, United States.

You can find Nagarjuna Yanala's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Nagarjuna Yanala's current jobs
Company: Nordstrom
Title: Engineering Manager
Period: Mar 2017 - Present (7 years, 10 months)
Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

• Leading a team of strong engineers working across different geographies. Responsible for their mentorship, growth, performance evaluation and job satisfaction. • Building a cloud based V1 product platform for ingestion and setup of products from wide range of Nordstrom supplier worldwide, this improves the overall setup time and reduces manual efforts by more than 200%. • Working with engineering and product management organizations to establish and deliver the product roadmap, innovate, and develop improvised master data management solution. • Helping teams in release scoring - adherence to timelines, quality, and scope. • Helped team restructuring that allowed to deliver better quality at a faster rate by 15%. • Proven record of recruiting, developing, retaining great talent and building best development teams. Grew the team from 8 to 16+ engineers, assisted engineers develop and execute a career growth plan that resulted in a promotion of 25% of the team.

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