Nahuel Azul Franchi

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Email: ****
Location: Seattle, Washington, United States
Current employer: Globant
Current title:
VP of Delivery
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:01 AM
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Nahuel Azul Franchi is from Seattle, Washington, United States. Nahuel Azul is currently VP of Delivery at Globant, located in San Francisco, California, United States.

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Nahuel Azul Franchi's current jobs
Company: Globant
Title: VP of Delivery
Period: Feb 2021 - Present (3 years, 11 months)
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

• Responsible for service delivery of one of Globant’s business units accountable for overall quality, governance & customer satisfaction of the services provided to our clients. • Helping clients achieve their strategic goals and helping them incorporate Globant’s value proposition in their enterprise. • Consulting with clients as strategic advisor around product strategy as well as configuring delivery frameworks for each specific enterprise in order to help them achieve business agility. • Leveraging Design Thinking in order to understand the unmet & sometimes unsaid needs of our business unit’s customers, reducing the risk associated with launching new ideas, products, and services as well as help them generate solutions that are revolutionary, not just incremental. • Supporting my business unit team of Delivery & Technical directors owning each of our client’s services, making sure all our projects & services not only are delivered on time, budget & schedule, but also that are fulfilling our customer’s business goals • Identifying & executing training needs in order to build up new capabilities both to our customers and our teams. • Interfacing with internal support teams (staffing, recruiting, HR, etc.) in order to enable our service delivery teams.

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