Naiyer Rizvi

Founder and president of Future Gadgets corporation.
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LinkedIn: Naiyer Rizvi
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Current employer:
Future Gadgets Corporation
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Naiyer Rizvi is from Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Naiyer works in the following industries: "Consumer Electronics". Naiyer is currently undefined at Future Gadgets Corporation.

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Naiyer Rizvi's current jobs
Company: Future Gadgets Corporation
Period: Oct 1998 - Present (26 years, 3 months)
Naiyer Rizvi's education
Swedish Institute of technology Karachi Pakistan
Naiyer Rizvi's top skills
Project Management Microsoft Office New Business Development Strategic Planning Business Development Contract Negotiation Marketing Strategy Management Business Strategy Negotiation Web Design Start-ups Marketing Team Leadership Project Planning Account Management Sales Management Team Building Sales Business Planning
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