Nayef Rashwan

Managing Director at Noqoody Payment Services Co.
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LinkedIn: Nayef Rashwan ♕
Location: Doha, Qatar
Current employer:
Q-Mobile Middle East Co.
Current title:
The Managing Director
Last updated: 31/12/2023 09:18 AM
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Nayef Rashwan is from Doha, Qatar. Nayef is currently The Managing Director at Q-Mobile Middle East Co., located in Doha Port, Doha, Qatar. Nayef also works as Managing Director at Osool Media Co., a job Nayef has held since Jan 1996.

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Nayef Rashwan's current jobs
Company: Q-Mobile Middle East Co.
Title: The Managing Director
Period: Oct 2004 - Present (20 years, 3 months)
Location: Doha Port, Doha, Qatar

• Setup Mobile VAS and Content Companies. • Creating Business opportunities for the Global GSM Operators and International Companies. • Form a comprehensive strategies, tactics, plans and roadmaps • Managing and supporting company's project managers and teams. • Engineering Financial Business cases and Investment Studies. • Dimensioning business units: Content, Training, Project Management & Consultancy, VOIP, WiMax, Media & Events, and Outsourcing. • Building partnerships, and representing the company in the International Conferences and meetings. • Structuring CMS to all audio – video and multimedia production companies • Propose interactive VAS services to TV channels and Radio stations Specialties • GSM – SMS Applications and Gateways, with high knowledge of how to install and implement these types of software and hardware and the functionality of each type and its services • GSM-SMS Vehicle Tracking, with the basic knowledge on GPS system hardware requirements • Oracle Database , SQL/ PLSQL knowledge , and Oracle Developer tool • Desktop Tools MS-Office, MS-Project, Visio, and other tools used in business plan and marketing plan

Company: Osool Media Co.
Title: Managing Director
Period: Jan 1996 - Present (29 years)
Location: Doha Port, Doha, Qatar

Osool Media is a "Business & Service Excellence Award, 2012" winning creative marketing services company that specializes in Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, PPC Management Campaign, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing, E-mail Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Online Brand Management, Internet Reputation Management.

Nayef Rashwan's education
Liverpool University
Master's degree
2013 - 2015
1984 - 1986
Doha Secondary School
High School
1980 - 1982
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