Neda Shilian

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Email: ****a@pantyfresh.com
Location: New York City Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Panty Fresh
Current title:
CEO and Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Neda Shilian is from New York City Metropolitan Area. Neda is currently CEO and Founder at Panty Fresh, located in Roslyn Heights, New York, United States.

Neda Shilian's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Neda Shilian's current jobs
Company: Panty Fresh
Title: CEO and Founder
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Roslyn Heights, New York, United States

Creator of a revolutionary product for EVERY female! Panty Freshâ„¢ is the worlds smallest 4-in-1 complete feminine hygiene solution for women on the go. Great quality reusable no show underwear, freshening wipes, and panty liner are packed in a compact sachet small enough to fit in the palm of the hand; to conveniently provide every women with the confidence to refresh, feel good and remain hygienically clean when they are on the go and away from home. Each Box of Panty Fresh Contains a Sachet that Includes 4 items: 1- Reusable No Show seamless underwear 2- Ultra thin, multi form panty liner 3- Hypoallergenic feminine wipe 4- Wash-Me Bag* (*To store previously worn underwear for later laundering)

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